
When asked for travel expenses I am denied by the boss.

So I am a field tech support guy, so while in interview i was promised i will be payed travel allowance in advance, a vary reason i even accepted the field job. starting 1st month got advance, then i started using the money i had and just send that expenses and get money and another month passed like that. So i have a bike i made sure that boss is ok that can he pay for my bike travels fuels, boss is like great yeah. I am made literally work overtime sundays, I don't feel like i have personal life that's how much i am being used and used my money for travelling since i was getting low and was hesitant to buy food to eat out. so i sent expenses to boss, got no reply. so today i asked yeah i sent expenses, checked yet? i asked. he said…

So I am a field tech support guy, so while in interview i was promised i will be payed travel allowance in advance, a vary reason i even accepted the field job.
starting 1st month got advance, then i started using the money i had and just send that expenses and get money and another month passed like that. So i have a bike i made sure that boss is ok that can he pay for my bike travels fuels, boss is like great yeah.
I am made literally work overtime sundays, I don't feel like i have personal life that's how much i am being used and used my money for travelling since i was getting low and was hesitant to buy food to eat out. so i sent expenses to boss, got no reply.
so today i asked yeah i sent expenses, checked yet? i asked. he said yeah and then said thinking i am not sure i should give it, it's a lot. i was shocked.
i stayed calm and thinking what can i do, I don't want to effect health even more for this stupid company, who gives nothing not rising pay not giving time not giving anything.

i felt insulted, i am a field guy, i made through report ok what expenses i made starting day of the job to today and now i hear this is going on my nerves.
I was already thinking I'm already over working for nothing i should talk, now it's just over board if i start using my money for travel for his work, what's the point I ain't making any money.

so help me and my thinking out please. it's hard to get job for me that's why i agreed to this job 5 months ago.

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