
When did minimum.wage jobs stop being enough to make ends meet for American people?

I'm from Israel, and I remember that not that long ago, in the early 2010's, Israelis who lived in the states told me that every McDonald's worker could rent a fine apartment in a middle class city, buy a car, and even afford something nice. If you worked a little harder, you didn't need a college degree to provide for yourself or even for a family. In Israel, this has never been a thing Only doctors and programners can reach such lifestyle. The rest of tge population was one mistake away from homelessness. When did the U.S became like Israel in that matter?

I'm from Israel, and I remember that not that long ago, in the early 2010's, Israelis who lived in the states told me that every McDonald's worker could rent a fine apartment in a middle class city, buy a car, and even afford something nice. If you worked a little harder, you didn't need a college degree to provide for yourself or even for a family. In Israel, this has never been a thing Only doctors and programners can reach such lifestyle. The rest of tge population was one mistake away from homelessness.

When did the U.S became like Israel in that matter?

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