
When did you find interest in your job or career wise ?

Despite being in mid20s endless days and nights goes into overthinking mode but can’t seem to decide and stick with one thing. So many factors of thinking goes from salary, potentional opportunities for growth, work environment and so on. Some people say get a job something you’re good at. Then some say go for a career path that pays well or start a business. Some people learn a profitable skill that sets them apart from the rest. Seems like the market is all about selling or producing any item. But it’s overwhelming like just feel internal pressure of getting life straight. The pressure or finding a good paying job. Finishing college. Thinking about dating and potentionally get married and so on. I guess I’m feeling this way because of society is set up or family & relatives pressure. I still haven’t found my career path in college despite being in…

Despite being in mid20s endless days and nights goes into overthinking mode but can’t seem to decide and stick with one thing. So many factors of thinking goes from salary, potentional opportunities for growth, work environment and so on. Some people say get a job something you’re good at. Then some say go for a career path that pays well or start a business. Some people learn a profitable skill that sets them apart from the rest. Seems like the market is all about selling or producing any item. But it’s overwhelming like just feel internal pressure of getting life straight. The pressure or finding a good paying job. Finishing college. Thinking about dating and potentionally get married and so on. I guess I’m feeling this way because of society is set up or family & relatives pressure. I still haven’t found my career path in college despite being in community college. Whenever opening social media, there is always content about how much someone makes or what strategy they used to get rich or get this in life. It’s always brings you down and get in this trap of comparison

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