
When do we begin work if our office is a 10 minute walk from where we enter the site

Throwaway account I work in a large manufacturing complex on a team of hourly employees. Recently, my director has been on a warpath against one of the men on the team, let's call him Joe, because Joe is sometimes 5-10 minutes late and was recently caught trying to leave 8 minutes before his shift ended. However, they are saying he's late or leaving early if he's not in our office area at his start/end times. We enter the site through a badged pedestrian gate, and the managers can access timestamps of when their people come (don't have to badge out so no outgoing data). It's a 5-10 minute walk (5 is a hustle) from badging in to my team's office. Does anyone know if it's illegal for my manager and director to insist he's late when he's technically in the secured portion of the site his whole shift? We're in…

Throwaway account

I work in a large manufacturing complex on a team of hourly employees. Recently, my director has been on a warpath against one of the men on the team, let's call him Joe, because Joe is sometimes 5-10 minutes late and was recently caught trying to leave 8 minutes before his shift ended. However, they are saying he's late or leaving early if he's not in our office area at his start/end times.

We enter the site through a badged pedestrian gate, and the managers can access timestamps of when their people come (don't have to badge out so no outgoing data). It's a 5-10 minute walk (5 is a hustle) from badging in to my team's office.

Does anyone know if it's illegal for my manager and director to insist he's late when he's technically in the secured portion of the site his whole shift? We're in Michigan

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