
When does it stop?

I just got an email saying that I missed a student loan payment and yet we are in the worst financial straights I've been in since 2008. . . . WTF do they think they're going to get from me? I got laid off, I barely have enough money for the mortgage let alone food. I only have 2 side jobs doing tradework I learned on my own without the help of this trash-ass degree (Biology) I worked so hard to finish. that could potentially keep us from losing the house this month. I think they found out that I've left homelessness behind since the last time they came knocking for money. It's so stupid, just give me a chance to breathe before pushing my head under and I would love to make payments. Now it just makes me even more determined to make it my life mission to work…

I just got an email saying that I missed a student loan payment and yet we are in the worst financial straights I've been in since 2008. . . . WTF do they think they're going to get from me? I got laid off, I barely have enough money for the mortgage let alone food. I only have 2 side jobs doing tradework I learned on my own without the help of this trash-ass degree (Biology) I worked so hard to finish. that could potentially keep us from losing the house this month. I think they found out that I've left homelessness behind since the last time they came knocking for money. It's so stupid, just give me a chance to breathe before pushing my head under and I would love to make payments. Now it just makes me even more determined to make it my life mission to work as much off the grid as I can or prepare to leave the country. Fuck this place where you have to pay to work hard. I'm sick of it!

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