
when interviewing and starting my new job my manager was all about flexible work and “not caring where the work gets done as long as it gets done”

long story short I left an amazing job paying 70K a year with the ability to work from home 100% of the time for a new job paying 80K a year and the ability to work from home 50% of the time. When I first started this new job I asked my manager when I could put in a flexible working request for part of the time and he kind of brushed me off as I was in training. I have been at the job for a couple of months now and feeling more confident in what I am doing however, when I again bought up flexible work a few days ago to my manager her attitude towards it changed totally compared to what it was when I first started. She basically said she “isn't sure if I can do that in the first 6 months and even if I…

long story short I left an amazing job paying 70K a year with the ability to work from home 100% of the time for a new job paying 80K a year and the ability to work from home 50% of the time. When I first started this new job I asked my manager when I could put in a flexible working request for part of the time and he kind of brushed me off as I was in training. I have been at the job for a couple of months now and feeling more confident in what I am doing however, when I again bought up flexible work a few days ago to my manager her attitude towards it changed totally compared to what it was when I first started. She basically said she “isn't sure if I can do that in the first 6 months and even if I can she needs to see if it meets operational needs etc.”. A complete change of tune from when I started, and it really just felt like a giant slap in the face. For reference, I have been actively asking for feedback in the last two months since starting and all I have gotten is everything is going “ok” and she “thinks I'm on the right track”. Other than good morning and goodbye, my manager also barely says anything to me these days in fact, no one in my team seems to really talk to each other and it just has a depressing vibe about it. This however, bothers me even more because if I am not meant to work from home because I am in training or whatever, what is the point if no one even barely speaks to me?

she left me feeling like she would be doing me some massive Favour to allow me to work from home and that afternoon I called my old job and basically asked if they would take me back. They told me not only would they take me back, but they will pay me an extra 13K a year to what I was getting previously with them (3K) more than current and I can go straight into my previous WFH arrangements. Obviously, I got extremely lucky and with the added bonus of not having to pay $130 P/W parking I will be in a way better position. I am not waiting for the Official letter of Offer so I can resign from my new job and take them off guard. This I am sure, will give me a great deal of satisfaction however as tomorrow is hopefully the big day of which I resign, I am worrying maybe I over reacted? this lady at my new job really pissed me off the other day but other than that she has put a lot of effort into on boarding and training me but still, it really made me feel like shit they changed their tune on the WFH thing. Looking for advice?

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