
When is it time to give up?

Throwaway for this. Im disabled and I'm being forced into yet another job that im not capable of. I have been my entire life but it has gotten progressively worse over time, when i was young it was mostly just the autism and other mental factors. As a teen I found out standing wasn't supposed to be painful and that something was wrong. By the time I applied for disability they still hadn't figured out exactly what was wrong. I was denied disability repeatedly after multiple years of trying and I was told it's because I communicate too well. It's years later now, I've worked a few jobs to very little success, the longest was a year and that's what finally put me in a wheelchair. One fired me for being disabled and another I had to leave because I got too sick and they wouldn't let me have time…

Throwaway for this.

Im disabled and I'm being forced into yet another job that im not capable of.

I have been my entire life but it has gotten progressively worse over time, when i was young it was mostly just the autism and other mental factors. As a teen I found out standing wasn't supposed to be painful and that something was wrong. By the time I applied for disability they still hadn't figured out exactly what was wrong.

I was denied disability repeatedly after multiple years of trying and I was told it's because I communicate too well. It's years later now, I've worked a few jobs to very little success, the longest was a year and that's what finally put me in a wheelchair. One fired me for being disabled and another I had to leave because I got too sick and they wouldn't let me have time off to heal.

I dont think I can do another job, I even needed help completing even just my on-boarding paperwork for this one, but I have nothing left to fall back on. Is waiting to die the only option to get out of all this bullshit? Is suffering really all there is? What's left to do when things get worse again?

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