
When the idea of going back to work after your days off fills you with depression, anxiety, and even annoyance… is it time to look for work elsewhere?

I work in retail, at one of those big box stores in Fresh. For the last 6 months we have been getting so much product and management seems to think it's normal to have such an overflow of things that end up going bad in a week and tossed out. Lately they've been expecting us to go through everything (that seems like a week's worth) every single day, reaming us for not getting done and having too much overstock. It's become a seemingly endless cycle, where we can't catch up. Just the thought of having to go back tomorrow to the same thing is just making me upset as I write this, and getting pulled aside being asked “why can't you guys just get this done?” has become annoying as well. Unfortunately, I don't have experience in anything else but retail, and I've felt for weeks like I want to…

I work in retail, at one of those big box stores in Fresh. For the last 6 months we have been getting so much product and management seems to think it's normal to have such an overflow of things that end up going bad in a week and tossed out.

Lately they've been expecting us to go through everything (that seems like a week's worth) every single day, reaming us for not getting done and having too much overstock. It's become a seemingly endless cycle, where we can't catch up.

Just the thought of having to go back tomorrow to the same thing is just making me upset as I write this, and getting pulled aside being asked “why can't you guys just get this done?” has become annoying as well.

Unfortunately, I don't have experience in anything else but retail, and I've felt for weeks like I want to quit, but I fear working anywhere else in a similar department will be the same, if not worse. I have considered to just weather it out until I get fired or something because “I'm not doing everything” apparently and just take some IT courses via Coursera, and land a small help desk job somewhere in the near future.

I've heard that quitting outright isn't a good idea. I have a small 401k going there too, but I think if I did quit I'd have to deal with tax penalties if I took it out while I find other work.

I've gotten stress headaches, and panic attacks recently at work too, unfortunately management and co-workers don't really seem to care about things like that, and even calling in sick and saying “I need a mental health day” would probably result in weird looks or laughter.

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