
When you have sick time….but

So here's a good one, I've been at my current job for 9 months, when they hired me I told them about my medical issues and no issue. In April, I missed a week due to illness, kept them in the loop and had Dr note. I have doctors appointments occasionally as well for said medical condition. So, I had a rare issue about 1.5 weeks ago, lost my voice, and it took a few days to get in at my specialist. Returned to work this past Wednesday to the lovely write up for missing 3 days, due to not having a Dr note yet. Got Dr. Note and was told, oh yea write up still stands because your absences are excessive….first time I heard that. Gotta love when your employer knows you have a rare medical condition, and that you also can't qualify for FMLA yet. /Rant

So here's a good one, I've been at my current job for 9 months, when they hired me I told them about my medical issues and no issue. In April, I missed a week due to illness, kept them in the loop and had Dr note. I have doctors appointments occasionally as well for said medical condition. So, I had a rare issue about 1.5 weeks ago, lost my voice, and it took a few days to get in at my specialist. Returned to work this past Wednesday to the lovely write up for missing 3 days, due to not having a Dr note yet. Got Dr. Note and was told, oh yea write up still stands because your absences are excessive….first time I heard that. Gotta love when your employer knows you have a rare medical condition, and that you also can't qualify for FMLA yet. /Rant

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