
When you know it’s time to move on

Here is your reminder to never trust a corporation. Today was my final day at this company. A few months ago a buyout was mentioned so I hit the linkedin/indeed bandwagon and job searched my heart out. I'm in my job transition now and luckily found something which job title/pay are increases. Yay me! There were “information” meetings where they said we don't know much but this new company is short staffed and hourly employees will still have a job. Fast forward and half of the hourly did not get offered to stay. There are positions driving over an hour that could be filled, but who wants to do that. I feel for those who wanted to stay and were good workers, but are forced to move on before they're ready. I don't know if new company had an offer for me. I had already found new and put in…

Here is your reminder to never trust a corporation.

Today was my final day at this company. A few months ago a buyout was mentioned so I hit the linkedin/indeed bandwagon and job searched my heart out. I'm in my job transition now and luckily found something which job title/pay are increases. Yay me!

There were “information” meetings where they said we don't know much but this new company is short staffed and hourly employees will still have a job. Fast forward and half of the hourly did not get offered to stay. There are positions driving over an hour that could be filled, but who wants to do that. I feel for those who wanted to stay and were good workers, but are forced to move on before they're ready.

I don't know if new company had an offer for me. I had already found new and put in my notice. The company I just left did try to get me to stay and move to another location, but the housing market isn't really in my favor in that location. I initially tried relocating internally by applying to positions I knew I'd be capable of and where I want to be, but only got rejections for more “experienced” candidates.

Never believe what a corporation has to say, and always make your own path when possible. Promote yourself through job hopping if you can't get it where you're at. Use every benefit to your advantage. I'll miss some of the people I worked with, but the signs were there to move on. It was actually one of the better places I have ever worked and the longest I stayed anywhere.

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