
When you’re so fed up and worn down from interacting with colleagues and customers you make an “appointment” to just get out of the office…

I am so deflated from dealing with insufferable people day in and day out (I have a coworker who’s a nosey busybody and has to be in control of everything. I hear my name out of her mouth so much I want to change it. And she’s constantly trying to get personal info out of me.) Our customers (insurance) have gotten increasingly demanding, needy, and entitled. I feel my mind going in 50 different directions a minute. I’m just trying to do the best I can but it’s never enough for anyone. So I am making myself a mandatory “time out.” I.e. I told my coworkers I have an “appointment” today. There is no appointment. I’m leaving the office to go to a local park I love. I need more silence and time decompress than a lunch break can provide. I’m going to the woods to enjoy the beautiful weather,…

I am so deflated from dealing with insufferable people day in and day out (I have a coworker who’s a nosey busybody and has to be in control of everything. I hear my name out of her mouth so much I want to change it. And she’s constantly trying to get personal info out of me.) Our customers (insurance) have gotten increasingly demanding, needy, and entitled. I feel my mind going in 50 different directions a minute. I’m just trying to do the best I can but it’s never enough for anyone.

So I am making myself a mandatory “time out.” I.e. I told my coworkers I have an “appointment” today. There is no appointment. I’m leaving the office to go to a local park I love. I need more silence and time decompress than a lunch break can provide. I’m going to the woods to enjoy the beautiful weather, read my book, and go on a small hike. Because I need it. Because I can. And because f*ck people…

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