
where can i get a sick note?

So in July I took a medical leave of absence from work. While waiting on a Psyc triage & appointment from my HMO I asked my PCP for a note & he said since he wasn't seeing me for anything & wasn't a psyc specialist he couldn't help. It took about a week before I was triaged and then had a Video appointment with what I just found out was a Therapist, who then referred me to a subcontracted therapy company. After a few visits my “therapist” said he didnt think he was a good fit for me. Short of it is I am trying to go back to work and have been out since mid July and my work wants a doctors note to cover my time off. The subcontractor says my HMO needs to provide the note, my PCP says he cant cause hes not a Psyc MD…

So in July I took a medical leave of absence from work. While waiting on a Psyc triage & appointment from my HMO I asked my PCP for a note & he said since he wasn't seeing me for anything & wasn't a psyc specialist he couldn't help.

It took about a week before I was triaged and then had a Video appointment with what I just found out was a Therapist, who then referred me to a subcontracted therapy company.

After a few visits my “therapist” said he didnt think he was a good fit for me.

Short of it is I am trying to go back to work and have been out since mid July and my work wants a doctors note to cover my time off.

The subcontractor says my HMO needs to provide the note, my PCP says he cant cause hes not a Psyc MD and the Psyc Dept says since I was not under their care they cant provide a note. specifically as my initial HMO visit was with a therapist and not an MD they cant.

So now im in a position where I will loose my job, all because no one informed me that I had to stay under my HMOs care in order to receive a note.

I have already filed a complaint with the member services dept but that can take over a week and I am about broke.

Any suggestions?

Ps. This is in Ca USA


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