
Where do you draw the line?

5 months ago my brother accepted a lower paying job, for a non profit, for the sake of being able to work remotely and work less, the deal was that the organization doesn't provide equipment (laptop, headsets etc) which he was fine with and agreed to. They also dont provide the phones so hes been using his private cell for occasional communication with the team etc. Now he was told that he will have to start texting some external stakeholders and members from his private cell (we're talking about something like 70 people) and while he has unlimited texts with his plan my issue is with the privacy. Hes supposed to make his private phone number to a bunch people who going forward might start contacting him on that number with work related bullshit. He thinks its not a big deal and doesnt want to be inflexible but I think…

5 months ago my brother accepted a lower paying job, for a non profit, for the sake of being able to work remotely and work less, the deal was that the organization doesn't provide equipment (laptop, headsets etc) which he was fine with and agreed to. They also dont provide the phones so hes been using his private cell for occasional communication with the team etc. Now he was told that he will have to start texting some external stakeholders and members from his private cell (we're talking about something like 70 people) and while he has unlimited texts with his plan my issue is with the privacy. Hes supposed to make his private phone number to a bunch people who going forward might start contacting him on that number with work related bullshit. He thinks its not a big deal and doesnt want to be inflexible but I think this is bullshit. You're already using your own laptop, paid for your own office chair, using your electricity and internet that you pay for and now you're supposed to throw your private phone number into the mix? Hes not getting reimbursed for any of that. Thoughts?

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