I (26F) work a full time job with a 45 minute commute. No kids. I make 50k a year and live in a small apartment with three roommates. I cannot afford to pay rent, pay utilities, buy food, pay my train ticket, pay my bills, and have $ left over for an emergency, a vacation, fun, a car, a house. I can’t keep doing this.
We can’t keep doing this—if I am struggling, how are my peers doing this with way less? How long until something breaks? Where are the strikes? Where is the anger we feel going? Where should it go?
Nothing is changing. Things are just getting worse for the working man and I’m sick and tired of it. We pay $ to live in a shit country with all its nature destroyed, the police protect the white and wealthy, the government is crumbling, and I can’t afford fresh fruit. This is America.