
Where the hell am I supposed to take a break?

I work for a hotel that’s kinda out in the woods in CA. I usually wind up taking my break inside an office where there’s other people who are answering the phone. Inbetween phone calls or if it’s slow they’ll talk to me and I became good friends with a couple of the other girls. I also really don’t like my other coworkers in my department, they’re very conservative Qanon-esque. I adon’t take my break in the lobby because guests tend to come up to me and ask questions, and I spend the rest of my work day outside so I wanna get out of the sun for my break. So that really only leaves that office for a break that will actually give me a break. Well recently apparently my manager has an issue with that. He walked in on me taking my break, talking to a girl that…

I work for a hotel that’s kinda out in the woods in CA. I usually wind up taking my break inside an office where there’s other people who are answering the phone. Inbetween phone calls or if it’s slow they’ll talk to me and I became good friends with a couple of the other girls. I also really don’t like my other coworkers in my department, they’re very conservative Qanon-esque. I adon’t take my break in the lobby because guests tend to come up to me and ask questions, and I spend the rest of my work day outside so I wanna get out of the sun for my break. So that really only leaves that office for a break that will actually give me a break. Well recently apparently my manager has an issue with that. He walked in on me taking my break, talking to a girl that was asking me if I wanted something from the store, then got upset. I’ve been here for six months, doing this for most of my breaks. He told me that I interrupt their work. I NEVER talk to them while they’re on the phone and if I do it’s on accident. I usually just play on my phone, ask them how their day is, and let them lead the conversation and when it ends so that they can do their work. I also need to go into this office because it’s the only clean source of water that we have right now. Just frustrating that the only employee only area where I can sit down confortably is now off limits to me and the only social interactions I have is just gone now. The ladies that work in the office even expressed that they didn’t mind me being there and asked why I wasn’t allowed to be in there anymore. There’s no break room so where else am I supposed to go??

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