
Where’s all the tax money going?

The roads look like shit. Healthcare is a joke. Seems like the only “infrastructure” being built revolves around corporations with big pockets. The government couldn't give a rat's ass about you or me. I just paid $400 in taxes and fees to renew my driver's license. What's the big picture? For 20+ years I've been hearing “vote, vote, vote”, yet there's been minimum investment when it comes to the interest and wellbeing of tax paying citizens.

The roads look like shit.

Healthcare is a joke.

Seems like the only “infrastructure” being built revolves around corporations with big pockets.

The government couldn't give a rat's ass about you or me.

I just paid $400 in taxes and fees to renew my driver's license.

What's the big picture? For 20+ years I've been hearing “vote, vote, vote”, yet there's been minimum investment when it comes to the interest and wellbeing of tax paying citizens.

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