
Where’s the door?

I currently work in cellular retail sales for a management company under a large corporate brand. There have been a large number of red flags of late. We started as a new crew under a manager brought in after the last whole set of workers got bounced for fraud/theft. We are in an isolated location from the rest of our district and in the last month the District Manager has quit and been replaced; then they forcibly moved our store manager across the state. I should note that I started the first of September and the other two people after that. We have at this point barely been trained on store/company specifics and have still been digging out issues from the last crew. We lost one of the other workers due to the assistant district manager advising we could only ever have two days off a week even if we…

I currently work in cellular retail sales for a management company under a large corporate brand. There have been a large number of red flags of late. We started as a new crew under a manager brought in after the last whole set of workers got bounced for fraud/theft. We are in an isolated location from the rest of our district and in the last month the District Manager has quit and been replaced; then they forcibly moved our store manager across the state.

I should note that I started the first of September and the other two people after that. We have at this point barely been trained on store/company specifics and have still been digging out issues from the last crew. We lost one of the other workers due to the assistant district manager advising we could only ever have two days off a week even if we request time.

Now it's just me and a young worker. I so want out as I have had my job threatened multiple times since this management change with no warnings, out schedules get set extremely last minute (yesterday for yesterday) and I watched them “sell” to this man as an example to me by lying and taking advantage of his limited English. (I got a return processed for him after they left with translation help)

Right now the only things stopping me are the distinct possibility of being laid up soon due to emergency circulatory surgery and the poor kid I work with absolutely melting down . The question becomes would you try and squeeze out the limited money ($12hr) before my health forces a decision or would you just flee into the night?

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