
White people on the left are a lot like Jesus (please hear me out).

In the story of Christ's crucifixion, a thief who was crucified with him asked Jesus why he didn't just use his power to escape the pain and hardship that had befallen him. And the reason Christ chose to suffer and die with us was so he could by his own sacrifice save all of us. White people on this sub could Easily choose to snap their fingers and use their magical white privilege powers to get a mansion and a yacht and a 6-7figure career on Wallstreet. But they CHOOSE to be down here and suffer with us. And for that I want to say THANK YOU.

In the story of Christ's crucifixion, a thief who was crucified with him asked Jesus why he didn't just use his power to escape the pain and hardship that had befallen him. And the reason Christ chose to suffer and die with us was so he could by his own sacrifice save all of us.

White people on this sub could Easily choose to snap their fingers and use their magical white privilege powers to get a mansion and a yacht and a 6-7figure career on Wallstreet.
But they CHOOSE to be down here and suffer with us. And for that I want to say

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