
Who do I file a complaint with?

I've written here before about how my km gets weird w me. I just got fired for the first time in 20 years. The owner said it's because I make everyone uncomfortable but couldn't give me any specifics. I have timed and dated notes in my emails about my km harassing me and screaming at me. Notes from the past month (because someone here on Reddit suggested it, thank you) The owner would not even read them. Apparently someone witnessed it last week and wrote a negative review. The owner wouldn't even look at my notes and said I wasn't going to work there anymore. The km also has a history of this behavior from a woman who has worked under him before. I know I can make a complaint with all this evidence, I just don't know who to make a complaint to. Thanks.

I've written here before about how my km gets weird w me. I just got fired for the first time in 20 years. The owner said it's because I make everyone uncomfortable but couldn't give me any specifics.

I have timed and dated notes in my emails about my km harassing me and screaming at me. Notes from the past month (because someone here on Reddit suggested it, thank you) The owner would not even read them.

Apparently someone witnessed it last week and wrote a negative review. The owner wouldn't even look at my notes and said I wasn't going to work there anymore. The km also has a history of this behavior from a woman who has worked under him before.

I know I can make a complaint with all this evidence, I just don't know who to make a complaint to. Thanks.

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