
Who else thinks its a good thing robots are coming for our jobs ?

I hear it all the time that AI will replace us in the workforce but I am one of the few I know of that says “Good”. I think with AI replacing us in the workforce it will result in a positive cultural shift where we ACTUALLY have more free time to pursue hobbies and interests. I know there will be consequences, there are MANY to consider. What do you think will be the pros and cons and how to solve them ? For one, I know a UBI will very likely be necessary as there won't be enough occupations with spaces to fill otherwise the economy will grind to a halt.

I hear it all the time that AI will replace us in the workforce but I am one of the few I know of that says “Good”. I think with AI replacing us in the workforce it will result in a positive cultural shift where we ACTUALLY have more free time to pursue hobbies and interests.
I know there will be consequences, there are MANY to consider. What do you think will be the pros and cons and how to solve them ?
For one, I know a UBI will very likely be necessary as there won't be enough occupations with spaces to fill otherwise the economy will grind to a halt.

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