
Who wants to organize at Olathe Farmers office (OC3)?

When the RTO was announced earlier this year, there was discussions around forming a union. Since then, 11% of the workforce has been laid off, they’ve made our benefits worse, every indication is that we will likely have to forego raises again despite record high inflation, and I’m guessing when the benefit portal opens next month, there will be a significant increase in the cost placed on the employee. Given everything, and with everyone having to go into the office starting next week, I think it’s prime time for the rubber to hit the road. I have zero experience with Unions or unionization but in looking into it, it seems that joining an existing union is likely a better route than trying to form a brand new one. In looking for what may be a good fit, I found Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU). I’d encourage everyone to…

When the RTO was announced earlier this year, there was discussions around forming a union. Since then, 11% of the workforce has been laid off, they’ve made our benefits worse, every indication is that we will likely have to forego raises again despite record high inflation, and I’m guessing when the benefit portal opens next month, there will be a significant increase in the cost placed on the employee. Given everything, and with everyone having to go into the office starting next week, I think it’s prime time for the rubber to hit the road.

I have zero experience with Unions or unionization but in looking into it, it seems that joining an existing union is likely a better route than trying to form a brand new one. In looking for what may be a good fit, I found Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU). I’d encourage everyone to check out their website and am also open to other suggestions. I’d also encourage everyone to look specifically at their page It debunks a lot of the anti union rhetoric and fear mongering that comes once employers get wind of employees looking to organize.

I have yet to reach out to OPEIU, I first wanted to gauge interest. Please pass this subreddit along to your fellow employees next week once we’re back in the office (how amazing and ironic would it be that RTO makes organizing so much easier). I would encourage all to create an account with no identifying information on it in order to post and contribute. Once we gain enough traction and settle on the route we want to take, we can be a little more public, but I think it’s in our best interests to remain anonymous for now.

There is strength in numbers all. Right now we have zero say in our compensation and benefits. They said the layoffs were not about doing the same work with less people, but the work still needs to get done, and I’ve yet to see any changes that are meant to make us more efficient. If there are more layoffs, there is nothing to prevent the company from changing the policy on how much severance you will get. With a union, we have to vote on and agree to our compensation and benefits and the company is legally required to follow that contract and bargain in good faith. Let’s take the power back and have a voice before it’s too late.

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