
Why am I assigned more work?

Recently started an entry level job. Been there five months and I spoke to the last guy before I replaced him. He explained to me why he was leaving and what his role was. I replaced him and took on his role, but happen to complete it in quicker time. My team has noticed this and are planning to assign me more 'responsibility'. I'm just confused with these people. They're assigning me more work for completing my work quickly, but there isn't a pay raise. Do they not realise that I'm aware that they're exploiting me. I don't understand what runs through their heads? Do they think I'm an idiot or they think by phrasing it a certain way it becomes acceptable. Not only that. One of my colleagues slipped up in conversation that they're watching what I'm doing and they're noting the time it takes me complete certain tasks.…

Recently started an entry level job. Been there five months and I spoke to the last guy before I replaced him. He explained to me why he was leaving and what his role was. I replaced him and took on his role, but happen to complete it in quicker time. My team has noticed this and are planning to assign me more 'responsibility'.

I'm just confused with these people. They're assigning me more work for completing my work quickly, but there isn't a pay raise. Do they not realise that I'm aware that they're exploiting me. I don't understand what runs through their heads? Do they think I'm an idiot or they think by phrasing it a certain way it becomes acceptable.

Not only that. One of my colleagues slipped up in conversation that they're watching what I'm doing and they're noting the time it takes me complete certain tasks.

It's frustrating because I enjoy doing my job well, but when more work is assigned without a monetary increase I feel exploited and this encourages me to slow walk them.

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