
Why am I so stressed whenever I do something wrong at my job?

I ended my teaching career after 3 years to do something that made me not want to die. I can feel the cortisol release every time I do something not the way my boss liked it or when I need to send a mass email. I need to get over this but I can’t think of anything besides affirmations. Most of the time it’s not even me doing something wrong it’s just my boss being stressed that he’s behind or doesn’t communicate well so I either fuck it up or need clarification because I’m new to this industry. I’m afraid to ask questions. Any other recovering perfectionists?

I ended my teaching career after 3 years to do something that made me not want to die. I can feel the cortisol release every time I do something not the way my boss liked it or when I need to send a mass email. I need to get over this but I can’t think of anything besides affirmations. Most of the time it’s not even me doing something wrong it’s just my boss being stressed that he’s behind or doesn’t communicate well so I either fuck it up or need clarification because I’m new to this industry. I’m afraid to ask questions.

Any other recovering perfectionists?

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