
Why are cashiers and other retail workers not allowed to turn down rude or dangerous customers?

Back when I worked at a grocery store down south we got some of the most horrid customers you can imagine. Once had a customer state there phone number so fast I couldn’t keep up and our pin pads to type in their number where the worst and would always freeze up so I told the customer the pin pad froze and to please give me the number again and he was like “No, the computer isn’t the error you’re the error. What do you have ADHD or something?” And another time there was a woman coming being nasty and rude to young girls half her age to the point that it was so uncomfortable to be around her and she even through a box of fried chicken at the front end manager because she was upset it wasn’t to her liking and she’d always bitch if there wasn’t fresh…

Back when I worked at a grocery store down south we got some of the most horrid customers you can imagine.

Once had a customer state there phone number so fast I couldn’t keep up and our pin pads to type in their number where the worst and would always freeze up so I told the customer the pin pad froze and to please give me the number again and he was like “No, the computer isn’t the error you’re the error. What do you have ADHD or something?”

And another time there was a woman coming being nasty and rude to young girls half her age to the point that it was so uncomfortable to be around her and she even through a box of fried chicken at the front end manager because she was upset it wasn’t to her liking and she’d always bitch if there wasn’t fresh fried chicken before 12pm.

Over the course of working with my anxiety and depression got so much worse because you just never knew what kind of abuse you were going to be put through all alone on the front end that day. It was shocking how many rude things customers would say directly to our faces knowing they were being hurtful and could be causing harm to us.

However, management never did anything about it. Schools aren’t supposed to allow bullying and if people were acting that way at in any other kind of setting it wouldn’t be tolerated so why is this put up with in work situations?

I found it odd that we had strict rules about sexual harassment and bullying between work staff but when customers acted that way; causing a very stressful and toxic work environment for the employees nobody did anything ever.

So why aren’t cashiers allowed to turn away customers that are straight up bullying them?

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