
Why are companies like this?

Why is it so much about “do what we say and shut up” instead of being open to ideas and just doing what makes the most sense? At my workplace we have certain policies and procedures that just don't make sense so I don't do it that way and I get reprimanded. They can even acknowledge that the written rules don't make sense but I'm still in trouble for doing it my way that achieves the same outcome with less hassle. For example, I work front desk reception. A big part of my job is walking the building and “resetting” conference rooms by pushing all chairs in and tidying up, and ensuring each room is stocked with dry erase markers. Now we specifically keep 1 each black, red, green, and blue pen. My manager was doing a building audit to ensure I'm doing my job. She came back with a…

Why is it so much about “do what we say and shut up” instead of being open to ideas and just doing what makes the most sense? At my workplace we have certain policies and procedures that just don't make sense so I don't do it that way and I get reprimanded. They can even acknowledge that the written rules don't make sense but I'm still in trouble for doing it my way that achieves the same outcome with less hassle.

For example, I work front desk reception. A big part of my job is walking the building and “resetting” conference rooms by pushing all chairs in and tidying up, and ensuring each room is stocked with dry erase markers. Now we specifically keep 1 each black, red, green, and blue pen. My manager was doing a building audit to ensure I'm doing my job. She came back with a purple pen a resident left in a conference room and told me “purple is a no-no we do NOT use purple” and threw it in the trash. Sure, it's my job to ensure the room has pens. But there's an extra one so what? Now they can write even more stuff! Why am I being told I made a mistake by not removing it? As long as they can write stuff who the fuck cares? And that pen was left there by a resident, now my manager is throwing someone else's belongings in the trash and getting on me for not throwing it out earlier! I often do see other pens left there by building residents and I always leave them because they need pens. They use them. Why the fuck does it matter what colors and how many?

We also have an iPhone assigned to this desk so if someone calls the front desk that's how we answer. If I leave the desk I put up a sign saying to call that phone to reach me if needed and I take the phone with me. However, if I'm going to the restroom I don't put up the sign or take the phone. I'm not answering it on the toilet. I'm also not putting up a sign saying to call if im not gonna have the phone. And I'm told that's not allowed, if I leave the desk for any reason I have to bring the phone and leave the sign up. Am I expected to answer the phone while I'm pooping? I understand I'm technically going against policy but why can't they see past that and understand that leaving the phone behind is more logical? It's so fucking dumb.

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