
Why are low paying jobs so damn stressful and demanding?

I can’t take it anymore. This is the third job this year I might have to quit. I took this job because the job market sucks ass and I have bills to pay. The job seemed chill, not demanding because I’ve been dealing with so much stress from not being able to find a job that I took what I could find. But wow, this job is starting to give me really bad headaches, stress, and anxiety. Here’s the thing, my department consisting of me, my direct manager, and the coo. I was hired as an Assistant and literally in the job description they told me you did not need experience because they want to train and build the person. Cool. Two months, and I realize there people don’t know what they want. They’ll give me project, (mind you I’m working on new software I’ve never used they aren’t hard…

I can’t take it anymore. This is the third job this year I might have to quit.

I took this job because the job market sucks ass and I have bills to pay. The job seemed chill, not demanding because I’ve been dealing with so much stress from not being able to find a job that I took what I could find.

But wow, this job is starting to give me really bad headaches, stress, and anxiety.

Here’s the thing, my department consisting of me, my direct manager, and the coo. I was hired as an Assistant and literally in the job description they told me you did not need experience because they want to train and build the person. Cool.

Two months, and I realize there people don’t know what they want.

They’ll give me project, (mind you I’m working on new software I’ve never used they aren’t hard but it does take a bit to learn) and once I completed my first couple of projects I’ll get feedback on exactly how to redo that project. Their way.

These people keep telling me that they want me to use my brain, think critically, do stuff in my own style but as soon as I do that I am critiques heavily and given guidelines that aren’t written anywhere.

Also, they want me to think like them but here’s the gag, they both have ADHD, (not that that’s a bad thing) BUT I think it’s unfair of them to expect me to think like that when that is not how my brain works. I’ve literally sat down in meetings every week that are hours long of them just ranting about any and everything. Every fucking week I’m sticking in meetings that run way over where they go off on tangents, talk in circles, and take forever to cover one item.

Another issue is when I interviewed because I have some background in events, they asked me if I wanted to work as a specialist, I told them no. Especially since they were going to pay me the same rate of $17/hour for a position that is a higher, I declined.

Why am I now in charge of a yearly company dinner? My coo decided he wanted to hand this off to me when this is not even a part of my job description. And working with him has been so stressful. This man literally told me he is going to grill me with questions about the restaurant that he chose so I have to compile a basically a presentation. instead of just doing my job I now have to anticipate this man’s every question. And he changes his mind every meeting we have, talks forever, and gives me new tasks to do that he changes his mind about later on.

I asked my manager for advice without saying explicitly you guys are stressing me out. This is their response:

“do what coo wants but don’t do what coo wants”

“We want you to use your brain and do things your own way in your own style” this was said to me after she took a project I worked one and re-did it in her style and then proceed to tell me how I should do it that way.

“I’m not always going to give you the answers” after I’ve asked her for help on how to create something coo asked for in our two hour meeting where they go on tangents.

”I know cooo talks a lot and they change their minds a lot but, I’ve learned to read coo mind, I’m not saying you have to but you have to kinda have to anticipate.”

I’m just over it. I make only $2k a month.

Also to add I always get told I do well/good in my projects they just want it exactly how they envision it in their heads. I did not know I was a hired psychic .

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