
Why are people so okay with going to work sick?

I have coworkers that will come to work sick regardless of symptoms and possible contagion to others. It’s fucking infuriating. We get paid sick time and on top of that it’s encouraged to stay home if you feel sick. It’s almost as if they don’t want to come across as not dependable or reliable workers if they call in sick. I only call into work sick when I truly feel too sick to do my job properly and also if I know I’ll possibly spread it to others. It’s that simple for me. I’ll never forget I got sick last winter and my coworker laughed and said “you must’ve gotten it from me” I was fucking livid cause for one I hate being sick and two how the fuck is that funny? I hate it. It’s worth mentioning the coworkers I know who will stay home while sick are around…

I have coworkers that will come to work sick regardless of symptoms and possible contagion to others. It’s fucking infuriating. We get paid sick time and on top of that it’s encouraged to stay home if you feel sick. It’s almost as if they don’t want to come across as not dependable or reliable workers if they call in sick.

I only call into work sick when I truly feel too sick to do my job properly and also if I know I’ll possibly spread it to others. It’s that simple for me. I’ll never forget I got sick last winter and my coworker laughed and said “you must’ve gotten it from me” I was fucking livid cause for one I hate being sick and two how the fuck is that funny?

I hate it. It’s worth mentioning the coworkers I know who will stay home while sick are around my age (25M) while those who don’t are older, 40-50, even 60. Maybe it’s generational or we’re just soft but idk. 75% of our customers are elderly retired people and sickness affects them much worse than it would us, and I refuse to add on to the health issues they deal with already.

Rant over. Yours truly a lazy non motivated liberal worker, or that’s how I feel in these situations.

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