
Why are so many working-class people against worker’s rights?

It's something that I genuinely don't understand. Do they honestly think that anyone OTHER than the ultra rich is going to benefit under this current system? In a pyramid, there is always SOMEONE who has to remain at the bottom, that person being you. No ammount of “grinding” or “hustling” is going turn you into a “self-made billionare” like you think it will. In fact, such a thing simply does not exist—it is bait meant to keep you latched on to the metaphorical hook until you've worked yourself to an early grave. With that in mind, it's honestly concerning how many young, working-class people are screwing themselves (and people like them) over by going “REEEEE COMMUNISMMMMMM!!!!11” whenever things like unions and 4-day work weeks are brought up and discussed. When I look upon them, I see brainwashed slaves jumping at the defense of a cruel and uncaring master who sees…

It's something that I genuinely don't understand. Do they honestly think that anyone OTHER than the ultra rich is going to benefit under this current system?

In a pyramid, there is always SOMEONE who has to remain at the bottom, that person being you. No ammount of “grinding” or “hustling” is going turn you into a “self-made billionare” like you think it will. In fact, such a thing simply does not exist—it is bait meant to keep you latched on to the metaphorical hook until you've worked yourself to an early grave.

With that in mind, it's honestly concerning how many young, working-class people are screwing themselves (and people like them) over by going “REEEEE COMMUNISMMMMMM!!!!11” whenever things like unions and 4-day work weeks are brought up and discussed. When I look upon them, I see brainwashed slaves jumping at the defense of a cruel and uncaring master who sees the right to exist as something that can be bought.

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