
Why aren’t there more qualified part time jobs for graduate and post graduate students?

I feel that when you have bachelor or a master degree, you are expected to dedicate 5 days a week or even more in your job. Nevertheless, gen Z seem to be more graduated than older generations, and seem to give even more importance to professional / personal life balance. I own several degrees in math, economics and corporate finance, and I would love to find a job where I can earn a decent living while working 20 to 30 hours per week (of course I do not expect the wage I would have earned in industries such private equity or trading). What are your taughts on this? Should the labor market develop more part time jobs, tend toward the 4 days work week… in order to preserve worker's wellbeing and mental health, and hence, productivity in the long run?

I feel that when you have bachelor or a master degree, you are expected to dedicate 5 days a week or even more in your job. Nevertheless, gen Z seem to be more graduated than older generations, and seem to give even more importance to professional / personal life balance.

I own several degrees in math, economics and corporate finance, and I would love to find a job where I can earn a decent living while working 20 to 30 hours per week (of course I do not expect the wage I would have earned in industries such private equity or trading).

What are your taughts on this? Should the labor market develop more part time jobs, tend toward the 4 days work week… in order to preserve worker's wellbeing and mental health, and hence, productivity in the long run?

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