
Why aren’t we name-dropping more companies?

The title. Why are people scared to name-drop companies that literally abuse and exploit workers? Let’s use capitalism to our advantage (e.g. make companies look less attractive) and NAMEDROP every company that has a ridiculous job listing, that lays you off, that has terrible management, that underpays you, etc. I know it won’t solve an issue. Hell, it might not even make a dent. But why purposely omit this info and keep it a secret?? It won’t hurt and with social media DRIVING the upcoming labor force, it will only help the future. It doesn’t take much effort, just drop names — any and all.

The title. Why are people scared to name-drop companies that literally abuse and exploit workers? Let’s use capitalism to our advantage (e.g. make companies look less attractive) and NAMEDROP every company that has a ridiculous job listing, that lays you off, that has terrible management, that underpays you, etc.

I know it won’t solve an issue. Hell, it might not even make a dent. But why purposely omit this info and keep it a secret?? It won’t hurt and with social media DRIVING the upcoming labor force, it will only help the future.
It doesn’t take much effort, just drop names — any and all.

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