
Why California’s job market is so terrible? I barely get any hours anywhere.

I moved to Los Angeles a few years ago. Always struggling. Tried retail jobs including gas statios. They gave like 30 hours maximum to avoid benefits. Tried restaurants, same or worse like 20 hours. Then tried hotels, in banquets specifically. And this is where my mental health has gone down, always feeling stressed and angry and struggling even more. They pay more but unless you are a favorite or been there for a good 30+ years, chances are low for get any hours. Sometimes I don't get any hours through the week. I got hired at a country club and I worked yesterday. They didn't pay time and half but they offered a gift card. I helped doing all the dishes and all despite of being a server. Yup, schedule is being issued and I get less days than my other 2 coworkers with less experience. And guess what, none…

I moved to Los Angeles a few years ago. Always struggling. Tried retail jobs including gas statios. They gave like 30 hours maximum to avoid benefits. Tried restaurants, same or worse like 20 hours. Then tried hotels, in banquets specifically. And this is where my mental health has gone down, always feeling stressed and angry and struggling even more. They pay more but unless you are a favorite or been there for a good 30+ years, chances are low for get any hours. Sometimes I don't get any hours through the week.

I got hired at a country club and I worked yesterday. They didn't pay time and half but they offered a gift card. I helped doing all the dishes and all despite of being a server. Yup, schedule is being issued and I get less days than my other 2 coworkers with less experience. And guess what, none of the members tipped any of us on for working on Thanksgiving.

So is it the amount of population? I've noticed all of these hotels bring agencies where they hire refugees and pay them cash for example. Is it because everyone is trying to be an actor/singer etc. and they take advantage of it? Honestly trying to get out of here.

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