
Why can’t I find part time because lack of experience ?

It seems like no matter where I try to apply. I’m not able to find good positions beside fast foods and retail jobs. I lm trying to find something different and don’t mind working full time either. Despite being in college, I know so many people who work 40+ hours and commit to school at the same time. I can’t even imagine how they’re able to keep up with everything and have that flexibility of living life outside of the work and school life. I check jobs on indeed and LinkedIn but half of the jobs are either filled or I’m not getting any acceptance. I admit I have zero work experience beside fast food and retail. But it seems like so many people nowadays work entry level jobs in office setting or at hospital or at bank idk so many places. How they able to leverage for opportunities. Is…

It seems like no matter where I try to apply. I’m not able to find good positions beside fast foods and retail jobs. I lm trying to find something different and don’t mind working full time either. Despite being in college, I know so many people who work 40+ hours and commit to school at the same time. I can’t even imagine how they’re able to keep up with everything and have that flexibility of living life outside of the work and school life. I check jobs on indeed and LinkedIn but half of the jobs are either filled or I’m not getting any acceptance. I admit I have zero work experience beside fast food and retail. But it seems like so many people nowadays work entry level jobs in office setting or at hospital or at bank idk so many places. How they able to leverage for opportunities. Is it a specific website or updating your resume and LinkedIn. I’m not understanding

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