A month in and I'm just now realizing that this job sucks. The hours (working late night then morning the next day), the task and the pay is all crap. They literally want you to go above and beyond for the absolute minimum wage. Meanwhile on orientation the manager was talking about how well and busy the store does. I didn't think it'd be such a problem until two of the managers come around and critique what I do, their not entirely rude about it but somehow whenever they're around I'm always doing something wrong. We have self check out but it's not actually self check out so you have to scan evervone's items for them while also directing people to different registers, this would be fine if we weren't always somehow understaffed while I'm on the front floor. Then somehow if you're not scanning and there's still a line of customers checking out you have to squeeze our way back and forth the small “self” check out aisle so that corporate knows you're watching the customers and their screens. And yes not only are we cashiers who put up stock, round up carts, fill up balloons, sell the stupid reusable bags, we have to actually become janitors at the end of the night for the lowest legal amount of minimum wage. It wasn't until a manager told my coworker who told me that they want me to be more interactive with the customers because they're watching the cameras that really bothered me even worse I was a few feet away from them when they were talking like why not jus tell me directly.
I am introverted but even that particular day before they said that, I thought I was doing a good iob and I was actuallv more extroverted regardless I alwavs greet customers and tell them to have a good dav but now I'm low kev dreading going in tonight.
Edit: why couldn’t there just be multiple regular check outs. I sometimes hate having to stand right next to a customer and scanning their items