
Why can’t people at least have the dignity to complain about how bad things are?

In America at least, people are so, SO ready and happy to defer to “employer's rights” on anything and everything, it's truly sickening. I've never had patience for that sort of bullshit, never in my life, even before getting interested in politics/socialism. I got weird stares at a dishwashing job from coworkers because I dared to listen to music on an iPod (after getting yelled at 3+ times for it, for zero justifiable reason) rather than just stand there, a policy enforced for zero justifiable reason. At a pizza place they gave drivers these new GPS tracker things which poorly monitored your speed, acceleration rate, etc and broadly, proudly displayed a “standings” system with everyone's “driving quality” “score” and location on a giant screen. Completely ruined the job, now you basically had a boss over your shoulder every second, you couldn't take a break or even go with the flow…

In America at least, people are so, SO ready and happy to defer to “employer's rights” on anything and everything, it's truly sickening. I've never had patience for that sort of bullshit, never in my life, even before getting interested in politics/socialism.

I got weird stares at a dishwashing job from coworkers because I dared to listen to music on an iPod (after getting yelled at 3+ times for it, for zero justifiable reason) rather than just stand there, a policy enforced for zero justifiable reason.

At a pizza place they gave drivers these new GPS tracker things which poorly monitored your speed, acceleration rate, etc and broadly, proudly displayed a “standings” system with everyone's “driving quality” “score” and location on a giant screen. Completely ruined the job, now you basically had a boss over your shoulder every second, you couldn't take a break or even go with the flow of traffic because they expected you to be going 55 on the freeway. I would always try to use the broken ones so I wasn't constantly tracked while getting paid $2.50/hr for the privilege and the most reddit-ass bastard I ever met IRL kept making a big deal about it. Got 'written up' (as a 24-year-old man with a job, incidentally) and stopped showing up. The boss was also a massive dickhead and smug racist. (I tried to get time off for therapy and he jokingly wondered if it was because I was gonna blow the place up otherwise (I'm brown but not that sort of brown)). Good one.

And now I'm currently dealing with this hellworld of ATS resume scanning keyword optimization, and the tone I usually see on social media is 'oh I'm glad I know!' [that they were blindly rejecting me because I didn't say “culture” in there], rather than that is insane, this is pseudoscience, this is practically phrenology. Can't we at least be upset about it, broadly?

It's like people think there's great shame in admitting you're too “weak” to comply with orders, any orders, no matter how belittling, the only virtuous act is to happily submit. Being treated harshly is a sign that you're tough, it seems. It seems like some people cannot get enough of that type of thing. It reminds me of this tweet, the more miserable you are the better it is for you, somehow.

hate it here. can't wait to finish school and scratch and claw for maybe 5 days of PTO a year and you're also not allowed to take them because it looks bad

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