
Why can’t we do anything?

Why can’t we do anything to fix it, as a whole how do we reach more people to make a solution happen? People always talk about how things need to change, other more extreme people say a revolution but none of this happens. If anything it feels like although we’re making so much noise about the situation but we keep getting further away from any actual resolution. When is the breaking point, when do we start? I understand we have unions and protests but it seems like all that is having minimal effects so far, how can we actually organize to make a change for ourselves to be able to live again.

Why can’t we do anything to fix it, as a whole how do we reach more people to make a solution happen? People always talk about how things need to change, other more extreme people say a revolution but none of this happens. If anything it feels like although we’re making so much noise about the situation but we keep getting further away from any actual resolution. When is the breaking point, when do we start? I understand we have unions and protests but it seems like all that is having minimal effects so far, how can we actually organize to make a change for ourselves to be able to live again.

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