
Why did I go into work?

This is actually my favorite job so far and I hope I can stay here for a while if I can, but today made me confused. I work at reception in a medical office. The power went out yesterday in the whole building, aka no lights, internet, computers, phones, nothing. My entire job relies on computers and phones. I was then told to start calling patients with my personal cell, which I really didn’t want to do (and I’m sure the patients weren’t too keen on that either). I had to use my own data, which isn’t unlimited and isn’t cheap either, to send emails to the doctors when their patients got their. The bulk of my job requires accessing medical records, which I don’t have access to outside of the desk computers due to HIPAA, so the doctors were the ones checking people in instead of me. And as…

This is actually my favorite job so far and I hope I can stay here for a while if I can, but today made me confused.

I work at reception in a medical office. The power went out yesterday in the whole building, aka no lights, internet, computers, phones, nothing. My entire job relies on computers and phones.

I was then told to start calling patients with my personal cell, which I really didn’t want to do (and I’m sure the patients weren’t too keen on that either). I had to use my own data, which isn’t unlimited and isn’t cheap either, to send emails to the doctors when their patients got their. The bulk of my job requires accessing medical records, which I don’t have access to outside of the desk computers due to HIPAA, so the doctors were the ones checking people in instead of me. And as expected, random patients kept coming in throughout the day angry because they couldn’t reach the clinic, and demanded to know what was going on despite walking into a very obviously dark office.

I spent most of the day highlighting forms and going through my personal emails because there was nothing else for me to do. I drained a ton of my data and now a bunch of patients have my phone number. I sat there for my whole 9 hour shift. Some of the nicer patients and the mail guy were confused why I was even there. I don’t know why they didn’t just send me home and call me back whenever the power came back on, which didn’t happen till today. I’m fresh out of college so I’m not too acclimated to the workforce yet, so I’m not too familiar with what I’m allowed to say no to yet, but I wish I could’ve said no to working that day. I’d rather stay home and do nothing than sit in a dark office doing the same amount of nothing and draining my data while doing it.

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