
Why do American companies still lack in benefits, specifically time off?

There have been multiple studies that have indicated that allowing employees more vacation time leads to higher productivity results from them and the company and overall satisfaction of employees. In 2022 EY ( Ernst & Young ) “for every additional 10 hours of vacation time that employees took, their year-end performance improved 8%, and another study showed that using all of your vacation time increases your chances of getting a promotion or a raise.” So, if companies are showing that these things increase overall productivity which is a good thing for the business to begin with, and we know they increase satisfaction, why is the average amount of vacation days in America less than half that of the mandatory days in most European countries?

There have been multiple studies that have indicated that allowing employees more vacation time leads to higher productivity results from them and the company and overall satisfaction of employees. In 2022 EY ( Ernst & Young ) “for every additional 10 hours of vacation time that employees took, their year-end performance improved 8%, and another study showed that using all of your vacation time increases your chances of getting a promotion or a raise.

So, if companies are showing that these things increase overall productivity which is a good thing for the business to begin with, and we know they increase satisfaction, why is the average amount of vacation days in America less than half that of the mandatory days in most European countries?

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