
Why do companies pretend to care about work/life balance, prioritizing families and enjoying life outside of work?

I was recently laid off and I’m searching for my next role. It is a blessing in disguise as I was constantly stressed and anxious in my job. My boss and majority of peers were 3 time zones behind me which meant I could never relax and focus on my family once my work day ended. Ultimately it feels like all the meaningful qualities jobseekers are looking for these days in a company aren’t actually things companies believe in and want to provide. It feels like the general expectation is to be available beginning at 7am through 10pm, M-F. As a working parent, I simply cannot work beyond a 40 hour work week. Sure, I can be flexible when needed but not as a regular schedule. But you’re damn sure I will work my ass off during regular work hours and won’t drop any balls. Is it too much to…

I was recently laid off and I’m searching for my next role. It is a blessing in disguise as I was constantly stressed and anxious in my job. My boss and majority of peers were 3 time zones behind me which meant I could never relax and focus on my family once my work day ended.

Ultimately it feels like all the meaningful qualities jobseekers are looking for these days in a company aren’t actually things companies believe in and want to provide. It feels like the general expectation is to be available beginning at 7am through 10pm, M-F. As a working parent, I simply cannot work beyond a 40 hour work week. Sure, I can be flexible when needed but not as a regular schedule. But you’re damn sure I will work my ass off during regular work hours and won’t drop any balls.

Is it too much to ask to have a life/family/interest outside the company you’re employed by? It’s really boggling my mind and frankly, I’m scared of ending up at another company that treats me like I owe them all of my waking minutes.

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