
Why do employers think that work is the ONLY priority in their employee’s lives???

I never understood the dire lack of empathy in workplaces overall, but the one that gets me the most is employers that think nothing else in your life matters. That they should be able to call upon you to work at any point within the 24 hours of the day, and you must be ready, willing, and eager to do what is asked without hesitation or excuse. Of course I am not saying all employers exhibit this expectation, but there are enough to make it problematic — and if you dare say you’re not available, or even that you simply don’t want to work on a moment’s notice, that’s considered a bad quality or even a demerit. Newsflash: THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN WORK. There are priorities greater than work, and, unless someone literally signs up for a type of job with a nature that explicitly demands you drop…

I never understood the dire lack of empathy in workplaces overall, but the one that gets me the most is employers that think nothing else in your life matters.

That they should be able to call upon you to work at any point within the 24 hours of the day, and you must be ready, willing, and eager to do what is asked without hesitation or excuse.

Of course I am not saying all employers exhibit this expectation, but there are enough to make it problematic — and if you dare say you’re not available, or even that you simply don’t want to work on a moment’s notice, that’s considered a bad quality or even a demerit.


There are priorities greater than work, and, unless someone literally signs up for a type of job with a nature that explicitly demands you drop everything no matter what you’re doing and report to duty, employers should have this mass expectation.

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