
Why do jobs say “we’re a family” but will fire you over the simplest things?

My job is starting to tick me off due to the fact the managers get mad at my shift over small mistakes and are always threatening us with warnings. They’re always so watchful too which drives me nuts. I notice other departments at work always smiling and talking to their supervisors like pals and we’re always frowning and alert. I wish things could change but no one has the spine to say anything plus I can’t either since I have only been there for two months.

My job is starting to tick me off due to the fact the managers get mad at my shift over small mistakes and are always threatening us with warnings. They’re always so watchful too which drives me nuts. I notice other departments at work always smiling and talking to their supervisors like pals and we’re always frowning and alert. I wish things could change but no one has the spine to say anything plus I can’t either since I have only been there for two months.

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