
Why Do Managers Get Passive Aggressive When You Call Out???

Called out today for the first time at my new job because I didn’t wanna get other people and potentially even pets sick since I work at a pet shop, and I offered to come in on Tuesday since I wasn’t scheduled for that day, and he was like, “Today’s Thursday, Tuesday already passed.” And he tried to laugh a bit like he was laughing at me, I was like “??? I know, I mean next Tuesday.” I don’t know why you’d assume I’m asking to work on a day that already passed. It felt like he was trying to find a reason to be passive aggressive and make me sound stupid or something. I’ve noticed with all the jobs I worked, even with the pandemic, how managers’ tones would change when I couldn’t come in because I wasn’t feeling well and didn’t wanna get others sick, and how they’d…

Called out today for the first time at my new job because I didn’t wanna get other people and potentially even pets sick since I work at a pet shop, and I offered to come in on Tuesday since I wasn’t scheduled for that day, and he was like, “Today’s Thursday, Tuesday already passed.” And he tried to laugh a bit like he was laughing at me, I was like “??? I know, I mean next Tuesday.” I don’t know why you’d assume I’m asking to work on a day that already passed. It felt like he was trying to find a reason to be passive aggressive and make me sound stupid or something.

I’ve noticed with all the jobs I worked, even with the pandemic, how managers’ tones would change when I couldn’t come in because I wasn’t feeling well and didn’t wanna get others sick, and how they’d talk to me about other employees that’d call out. Maybe have adequate staffing so it’s not an issue when people have to call out?? No need to try to make the employees feel bad for it.

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