
Why do managers treat their workers like crap when they have low staff?

I have a different job now from the one I'm talking about with much better pay and a much better manager. But back when I used to work in the restaurant business for five years I worked at the same place and location. I actually had a pretty great general manager when I first started, but he moved up to a better position in the company. Then every manager after completely sucked. Especially after COVID hit and our staff dropped. And the workers that were left including me were working two to three people's jobs for the same pay, more stress and more disrespect from management. First of all I wasn't allowed a break. And when I mean I wasn't allowed a break, I mean they highly discouraged and shamed me for wanting to take a break, even when I'd work 8 – 10 hour shifts. Their excuse was always…

I have a different job now from the one I'm talking about with much better pay and a much better manager. But back when I used to work in the restaurant business for five years I worked at the same place and location. I actually had a pretty great general manager when I first started, but he moved up to a better position in the company. Then every manager after completely sucked. Especially after COVID hit and our staff dropped. And the workers that were left including me were working two to three people's jobs for the same pay, more stress and more disrespect from management.

First of all I wasn't allowed a break. And when I mean I wasn't allowed a break, I mean they highly discouraged and shamed me for wanting to take a break, even when I'd work 8 – 10 hour shifts. Their excuse was always either we were too busy to send anyone on break or they would push my break all the way back until almost the end of the day and then say I might as well just not take it and work the rest of my shift. And the rare few times I did get a break they made me feel like crap for taking one. They'd say things like “ok guys, someone needs to cover (my name) while he goes and takes a break so he can stop whining about it” or “ok everyone looks like (my name) doesn't want to be a team player and screw us over while he takes his break”. And honestly it worked, I always felt so bad for taking a break that I eventually stopped asking for one. Unless you were a minor working there, you basically didn't get a break.

Also I was constantly stressed, not only from the facts I was working 2 – 3 people's jobs without a break but I had asshole managers constantly yelling at me for reason and even in front of customers. And they were always on edge, everytime I left my position to go help a customer, go to the restroom, or even went in the back to get inventory that needed to be restocked. Honestly it was all just crap and I can't believe I put up with it for as long as I did, especially at a low paying restaurant job. Especially when I found out people who we're getting hired were making more than me, even though I've been working their for years and I was one of the people holding that place up. Don't worry though I left that job a while back and now have a job with the best manager I've ever had. And a small but great staff of people I can work with.

Why do managers treat their workers like crap when the staff is short and they need them the most? And why do they treat employees that have worked their a long time even worse? Again you would think that when a business is struggling you wouldn't want to treat the staff you do have like crap by working them to death and stressing them out. Anyone else have an experience like this or is it just me?

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