
why do offices like happy hour so much??

it’s so annoying NO i don’t want go to fucking APPLEBEES for $1 margaritas after spending 8 hours with y’all all day. and im 20 so i’d just be sitting there while y’all get shitfaced??? definitely not telling anyone i turn 21 til december.. “do you not like us?🥺” i like y’all just fine. but not enough to stay an extra 3 hours after work to carve pumpkins unpaid. or spend my own money at a beach weekend. we can’t carve pumpkins during work hours? all the time spent at the water cooler can be used for that. it’s “team building!” so these meetings we have to attend where the first 45 minutes out of the hour is basically a therapy session isn’t team building? it’s literally the stereotype of horrific office culture. like potlucks, wannabe motivational speeches, “oh i work through my lunch break”, “im so glad to be…

it’s so annoying NO i don’t want go to fucking APPLEBEES for $1 margaritas after spending 8 hours with y’all all day. and im 20 so i’d just be sitting there while y’all get shitfaced??? definitely not telling anyone i turn 21 til december..

“do you not like us?🥺” i like y’all just fine. but not enough to stay an extra 3 hours after work to carve pumpkins unpaid. or spend my own money at a beach weekend. we can’t carve pumpkins during work hours? all the time spent at the water cooler can be used for that.

it’s “team building!” so these meetings we have to attend where the first 45 minutes out of the hour is basically a therapy session isn’t team building?

it’s literally the stereotype of horrific office culture. like potlucks, wannabe motivational speeches, “oh i work through my lunch break”, “im so glad to be back in the office!”, everyone pitches in $5 for someone’s birthday gift (which is the only part i engage in), water cooler talk, lunches stolen from the fridge, women with internalized misogyny, “we’re a family!”

and everyone at this office is just SO excited to do these activities. it’s honestly kind of sad, i feel like they may not have things to do outside of work. i have hobbies and friends and a partner i live with and school. a few of them look longingly at me telling about what i typically do in my free time. at first i though it was me being young cause they’re all middle aged (i’m the only one under 40) but now i may think that work has a ball and chain on them.

i still don’t wanna participate outside of work hours.

i’m working on getting a job somewhere better, i’m hoping to go full time at my second one that’s directly related to my field of study. this was supposed to be related but it’s turned into me being the Excel and Word expert because no one even wants to learn how to use it so i just do spreadsheets and formulas alllllll day. pay isn’t even good despite being praised by them because their bosses say the Excel work is actually good and legible now, which i’m sure i’m not getting credit for. what’s even the point of using an Excel spreadsheet if you’re doing the math by hand just entering it in…

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