
Why do older generations act like having life outside of work is a frivolous luxury?

I work min wage full time. It's the only job I've been able to get with my master's degree, and that is through family connections that since then gone to shit seeing the state of the workplace, but that's another story. Unsurprisingly, I'm not able to both eat and rent on min wage, so I've been living with my parents. Since I've gotten this job, they've been asking DAILY about me moving out to “my own place”. I've tried to explain that it's not possible on min wage. Their response? “Just do overtime and work more.” I've told them I already work full time and with transit it takes 12h out of my day, leaving me barely with enough time to do things I actually want to do. “Then surely you can work more instead of wasting time at home.” Before you ask: no, I'm not spending all my time…

I work min wage full time. It's the only job I've been able to get with my master's degree, and that is through family connections that since then gone to shit seeing the state of the workplace, but that's another story.
Unsurprisingly, I'm not able to both eat and rent on min wage, so I've been living with my parents. Since I've gotten this job, they've been asking DAILY about me moving out to “my own place”. I've tried to explain that it's not possible on min wage. Their response? “Just do overtime and work more.” I've told them I already work full time and with transit it takes 12h out of my day, leaving me barely with enough time to do things I actually want to do. “Then surely you can work more instead of wasting time at home.”
Before you ask: no, I'm not spending all my time smoking weed and playing video games. I do that too, but mostly I read books, paint figurines, do free uni courses and prepare for language exams and write my own fiction. None of those are to make money, but I wouldn't call those waste of time. Certainly not more than what I do at work, which is useless box ticking and making spreadsheets that do nothing.
I froze. I already sell my time 40h a week to do bullshit. Why am I supposed to give up the only scraps of time I have to do things that make life worth living just to make ends meet?
It's really depressing to think about that that's the think process of older generations. That we're not even supposed to be living the life we're given, just work away.

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