
Why do people actually want insurance tied to employment?

My mom has worked as a teacher for about 3 decades now, she enjoys it but I know it exhausts her and it's obviously not lucrative. She would constantly come home exhausted and have no energy to do anything, go to work sixk, and always put her work above everything else. I was talking to her recently and she was telling me how two of her favorite coworkers are retired and she's eligible for an early retirement, but won't take it because then insurance will be too expensive. I've gotten into discussions with my mom in the past about insurance, and she is a firm supporter of privatized healthcare. Her only real argument is that her “taxes will go up” and she's not willing to pay more than she already does. There were years when I was a teenager that my dad and I didn't have health insurance, because it…

My mom has worked as a teacher for about 3 decades now, she enjoys it but I know it exhausts her and it's obviously not lucrative. She would constantly come home exhausted and have no energy to do anything, go to work sixk, and always put her work above everything else. I was talking to her recently and she was telling me how two of her favorite coworkers are retired and she's eligible for an early retirement, but won't take it because then insurance will be too expensive.

I've gotten into discussions with my mom in the past about insurance, and she is a firm supporter of privatized healthcare. Her only real argument is that her “taxes will go up” and she's not willing to pay more than she already does.

There were years when I was a teenager that my dad and I didn't have health insurance, because it was too expensive to put us on my mom's plan. They've spent years trying to pay off thousands of dollars worth of medical bills. She won't listen to me when I tell her how I was able to get a surgery for completely free due to me having insurance through the affordable care act (which my parents are also against.)

If I remember correctly a few years ago a vote was held in California for universal Healthcare within the state, and it failed. Why do people buy into this stuff? At every job I've had in recent years I've heard coworkers talking about how much of their check is taken out every month for insurance, but somehow people still support this crap.

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