
Why do Republicans/Libertarians still believe in the American Dream?

It just seems blatantly obvious that meritocracy is a lie, and that plenty of people end up in positions simply because of luck, rather than skill. On the flipside, plenty of talented people struggle with poverty, or are perhaps gifted in an area that isn't profitable. Is it the “just world” fallacy, where everything should or “ought” to be in its proper place in a conservative social order? It seems like conservatives/libertarians have an empathy blocker in their head, operating under the terms of, “If the problem doesn't exist for me, it doesn't exist for others,” or, “I'm currently struggling, but I'm special so things will even out for my American Dream in the future.” I guess I just don't see a logical position where modern capitalism can be justified as “natural” that makes sense.

It just seems blatantly obvious that meritocracy is a lie, and that plenty of people end up in positions simply because of luck, rather than skill. On the flipside, plenty of talented people struggle with poverty, or are perhaps gifted in an area that isn't profitable.

Is it the “just world” fallacy, where everything should or “ought” to be in its proper place in a conservative social order? It seems like conservatives/libertarians have an empathy blocker in their head, operating under the terms of, “If the problem doesn't exist for me, it doesn't exist for others,” or, “I'm currently struggling, but I'm special so things will even out for my American Dream in the future.”

I guess I just don't see a logical position where modern capitalism can be justified as “natural” that makes sense.

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