
Why do this?

Went for an interview last week on Tuesday. Seemed to go really well and the manager was excited to bring me on but said she had to talk to the owner. On Thursday, I send a follow up message. On Sunday she responds asking if I could come in and meet the owner on Tuesday. I figure this is a good sign since I've been passed on to the decision maker, but when I arrive on Tuesday the owner essentially starts from scratch and had no prior knowledge of me beyond that I'd be coming in for this interview. Still, I go through the process again and try my best to impress and answer his questions and at the end he says he has other interviews to do but will let me know by tonight or tomorrow. I heard nothing back yesterday and haven't heard anything so far today. Should…

Went for an interview last week on Tuesday. Seemed to go really well and the manager was excited to bring me on but said she had to talk to the owner. On Thursday, I send a follow up message. On Sunday she responds asking if I could come in and meet the owner on Tuesday. I figure this is a good sign since I've been passed on to the decision maker, but when I arrive on Tuesday the owner essentially starts from scratch and had no prior knowledge of me beyond that I'd be coming in for this interview. Still, I go through the process again and try my best to impress and answer his questions and at the end he says he has other interviews to do but will let me know by tonight or tomorrow. I heard nothing back yesterday and haven't heard anything so far today.

Should I just assume I'm not getting this one?

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