
Why do we have to work on a planet none of us asked to live on?

The concept of money is made up, everything is made up we did this to try to understand the world through our lense a little better. We know the government doesn't give af about us an they hide secrets. a bunch of baby adults allow themselves to be controlled by other selfish baby adults on a planet that holds absolutely no meaning. No matter religion you believe in, you have no proof it's just your faith not a fact. You have to find meaning to give it meaning which makes the whole experience on earth pointless because no one ever asked to be here to give it meaning. So when we be hungry bro.. an we barely got money .. an we go in stores an the prices get higher an higher for absolutely no real reason (remember everything's made up) we gotta leave because we don't have enough money..…

The concept of money is made up, everything is made up we did this to try to understand the world through our lense a little better.

We know the government doesn't give af about us an they hide secrets.

a bunch of baby adults allow themselves to be controlled by other selfish baby adults on a planet that holds absolutely no meaning.

No matter religion you believe in, you have no proof it's just your faith not a fact.

You have to find meaning to give it meaning which makes the whole experience on earth pointless because no one ever asked to be here to give it meaning.

So when we be hungry bro.. an we barely got money .. an we go in stores an the prices get higher an higher for absolutely no real reason (remember everything's made up) we gotta leave because we don't have enough money.. an they throw out all the left overs at night at certain restaurants.


Because the company thinks people will then just wait until they're about to throw it out to get the food instead of buying it therefore putting the cash in the owners pocket.

We.made this all up..

People are homeless…people are killing each other out here.. people have no food all in a society that was built by delusional humans decades ago

We pay for shit for no reason on a planet we didn't ask to be on. If we were more caring and sharing frfr with resources and it wasn't a “okay I gave you that.. what's in it for me”

We'd be living a whole lot better rn.. not working.. would've gotten so much further in society with who knows how many things .. but people still just don't see the truth

Like we're only hurting ourselves when we all literally could just work together we would just have to understand one another.

Bringing a child here to just have to wage slave to someone way more powerful then them in order for them to get the things they want in this life.. is fucking stupid.

Straight A's are pointless
Being on the honor role is pointless
Being popular is pointless
Fitting trends with the lips, muscles, ass, nose, gentile size, skin complexion is pointless in a universe that holds no meaning
Style, aesthetic, diamonds, makeup, jewels

None of it matters yet we pay to have all these types of things smh

Just because some humans gave these things meaning, it don't make it true..

People been slaving away for a long time on a planet as aliens that never asked to be here.

Parents bring you here to work just like them just to bitch at you about how hard life is an then when you do the same they say oh hush up it's life you have nothing to be depressed about.

Fucking psycho

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