
Why do we subsidize companies instead of workers?

Maybe this is a stupid question, but why do we subsidize for example the pork industry rather than increasing the spending power of the consumer and letting them decide? Our tax dollars go to subsidizing all sorts of things, but it seems a big backwards. We give the companies money to make stuff more affordable for us. Why don't we just give that money to ourselves, or better yet leave it with us? Honestly asking because I don't know much about how subsidies work.

Maybe this is a stupid question, but why do we subsidize for example the pork industry rather than increasing the spending power of the consumer and letting them decide?

Our tax dollars go to subsidizing all sorts of things, but it seems a big backwards.
We give the companies money to make stuff more affordable for us.
Why don't we just give that money to ourselves, or better yet leave it with us?

Honestly asking because I don't know much about how subsidies work.

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