
Why does my boss ask me how I am when he doesn’t care and gets irritated when it’s something other than “good”?

I called out Monday, I was sick from saturday morning all the way up until mid day Monday. I planned on going in but my leg cramped up for about 20 minutes and my calf started turning purple, my girlfriend pleaded with me to go to the hospital but since my employers insurance went up, I had to cancel it last Monday so I no longer have health insurance. I come in today, barely being able to walk, upset that i'm in pain and still sick. I don't let it show too much and shrug it off for most of the day, and do my work. My boss swings by my desk and asks how I'm feeling, told him I was almost hospitalized and he just let out a deep sigh, rolled his eyes a little bit and asked me why. I felt a wave of just cold embarrassment flush…

I called out Monday, I was sick from saturday morning all the way up until mid day Monday. I planned on going in but my leg cramped up for about 20 minutes and my calf started turning purple, my girlfriend pleaded with me to go to the hospital but since my employers insurance went up, I had to cancel it last Monday so I no longer have health insurance.

I come in today, barely being able to walk, upset that i'm in pain and still sick. I don't let it show too much and shrug it off for most of the day, and do my work. My boss swings by my desk and asks how I'm feeling, told him I was almost hospitalized and he just let out a deep sigh, rolled his eyes a little bit and asked me why. I felt a wave of just cold embarrassment flush over me and told him that my fever just got pretty bad but I'm alright now.

He does the fake little smile people do when walking by someone, throws up a quick thumbs up and continues walking past.

Why is it so hard to treat people like people? We're at work but that doesn't mean that my problems outside of work cease to exist the moment I walk through the door.

Just feels so shitty working under someone who genuinely does not give a fuck about you, especially when it's by someone who is supposed to advocate for you.

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